School of Agricultural Sciences
Recent Submissions
Rabbit meat perceptions and consumption determinants among households in Nakuru County, Kenya
(Open Access Research Journal of Science and Technology, 2025-02)The concept of the livestock revolution highlights significant changes in global animal production systems, driven by population growth, urbanization, and rising per capita incomes. This has resulted in unprecedented growth ... -
Effect of mothers’ use of information and communication technologies on dietary quality and undernutrition in young children in Kenya
(Informa UK Limited, 2023-07)Child undernutrition remains a global challenge, with 200 million underfives suffering from wasting and stunting. Mothers’ access to nutrition and healthrelated information is critical for improving children’s dietary ... -
Innovative methods of teaching youth polytechnic students in Kenya
(2013)Interaction with instructors drawn from many TVET institutions in Kenya has revealed that the methods of teaching commonly taught to the instructors during their training, are not effective. Most of those methods are ... -
Evaluating the Effectiveness of a Digital Knowledge Pack in improving Agricultural Experiential Learning: The Case Study of Egerton University’s Students, Kenya
(2022)One of the roles of higher education is to produce competent professionals with high employability skills. Learning by doing commonly known as Experiential Learning (EL), is an approach to learning that helps students ... -
Rebranding Technical Vocational Education and Training; Youth Education for Vocational Careers, Kenya
(2013)The aim of this paper is to revolutionize the approach of Technical and vocational training in Kenya, in regards to character and attitude change. The specific objective is to create awareness on the importance of Technical ... -
Experiential learning for agricultural students in institutions of higher learning: The case of Egerton University
(2016)Traditionally, many universities have majored in training and research but are increasingly under pressure to proactively engage communities through their academic programmes. The need to produce graduates with practical ... -
Impact of ICT-based pest information services on tomato pest management practices in the Central Highlands of Kenya
(Elsevier, 2023)Pests are a major threat to tomato producers globally, owing to the substantial yield losses, low-quality produce, and low profitability that they cause. Integrated pest management (IPM) has been promoted as a sustainable, ... -
The Effect of Farm Attachment Programme (FAP) Design Attributes on Experiential Learning Ability among Egerton University Students
(Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension, Economics & Sociology, 2021)The Farm attachment programme (FAP) of Egerton University was established six years ago to promote learning by “reflection on doing” commonly known as Experiential Learning (EL), among students. However, effectiveness ... -
How women’s empowerment affects farm production and dietary quality in East Africa
(Alliance of Bioversity International and the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT), 2021-12)Malnutrition remains a key global challenge constraining social and economic development in most developing countries. Although women can play an important role in improving household diet quality, their participation ... -
Hedgehog or fox? Theories of change for dryland cereals in Eastern Africa
(Journal of International Development, 2021-12-22)International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics' (ICRISAT) research strategy for sorghum and millets is based on market-led development. We analyse the construction of this Theory of Change and its application ... -
(Journal of Agriculture Science & Technology, 2021-10)The COVID-19 pandemic has had an impact on food systems globally especially due to itscontainment measures and this has disrupted food consumption patterns among individuals. The study compared food consumption patterns ... -
Farmers' Perception on Production Constraints, Trait Preference and Variety Selection of Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) in Kenya
(Journal of African Interdisciplinary Studies (JAIS), 2021-09)Chickpea production is mainly practiced on a small scale with productivity per hectare lower than the world average and a relatively slow adoption rate. This study investigated farmers’ production constraints, preferred ... -
Biochemical and Sensory Characteristics of the Smoked African Catfish (Clarias gariepinus) under Different Storage Conditions in the Coastal Region of Kenya
(Kenya Aquatica Journal, 2018)Smoking is one of the oldest methods of drying food for purposes of preservation and flavouring. However, technologies are changing fast resulting in various smoking techniques to improve fish quality and shelf life. ... -
Why invest in Research & Development for sorghum and millets? The business case for East and Southern Africa
(Elsevier, 2020-11-20)This article synthesizes recent research by ICRISAT and its partners to analyse the business case for sorghum and millets in ESA and the wider strategy of commercialization on which this is based. The business case is ... -
Watershed Improvement Review Board Calendar Year 2006 Annual Report, January 31, 2007
(2007)The Iowa Watershed Improvement Review Board (WIRB) was created by the Iowa Legislature and signed into law by the Governor in 2005 as Senate File 200. This statute is now codified in Iowa Code Chapter 466A. The fifteen-member ... -
Expression of a 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate (ACC) oxidase gene in peach (Prunus persica L.) fruit in response to treatment with carbon dioxide and 1-methylcyclopropene: possible role of ethylene
(2004)In this study we investigated the effect of exogenous ethylene treatment on ethylene production, 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate (ACC) oxidase activity and expression of an ACC oxidase (PP-ACO1) gene ... -
Response of French Bean {Phaseolus vulgaris L.) to Intra-row Spacing in Maseno Division, Kenya
(orgz, 2012)The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of intra-row spacing on growth of French bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) in Maseno Division, Kenya. The study was carried out at Maseno University Horticultural Farm. ... -
Resources and Facilities for Secondary School Agriculture: A Beacon for RuralTransformation and Development in Kenya
(2015)Integrating agriculture teaching with rural transformation and development requires resources and facilities. This has been a beacon, a philosophy and a mission of school agriculture in Kenya since 1959. ... -
Timed Strategy for Control of Bollworm for Sustainable Sorghum Crop Yield under Varied Regimes of Rainfall, Temperature and Soil Fertility
(2016)Various environmental factors influence yield of sorghum grain, Sorghum bicolor (L) in Sub-Sahara Africa. Various production conditions of rainfall amount, temperature regimes, soil fertility levels and bollworm Helicoverpa ...