1st International Conference: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1-20 of 82
Book of proceedings of the 1st Machakos University Annual International Conference
(Machakos University Press, 2018-04-17)Cognizant of the challenges and opportunities presented by the United Nations adoption of the Seventeen Sustainable Development Goals and the Government of Kenya’s Big Four Agenda: Manufacturing, Food and Nutrition ... -
Effects of Vehicles Lane-Change Manoeuvres on Traffic Breakdown and Congestion in Highways
(Machakos University, 2018-04)Traffic breakdown is the main cause of vehicle traffic congestion in our multi-lane roads due to highway bottlenecks such as lane-drops, on and off-ramps. In this study the three phase traffic flow theory of Kerner [1] ... -
Exponentiated Generalized Geometric Burr Iii Distribution
(Machakos University, 2018-04)Statistical distributions play a major role in parametric statistical modeling and inference. However, most of the existing classical distributions do not provide reasonable parametric fits to data sets. Thus, the need ... -
Consistency of the Model Order Change-Point Estimator for GARCH Models
(Machakos University, 2018-04)GARCH models have been commonly used to capture volatility dynamics in financial time series. A key assumption utilized is that the series is stationary as this allows for model identifiability. This however violates the ... -
Options Payoffs Perspective on Financial Engineering
(Machakos University, 2018-04)The option theory and its applications play an important role in modern finance. Many trading strategies, corporate incentive plans, and hedging strategies include various types of options. In this paper, the option ... -
Mathematical Modeling of Delayed Pulse Vaccination Model of Infectious Diseases
(Machakos University, 2018-04)This study concerns the theoretical determination of a mathematical model of delayed pulse vaccination of infectious diseases that affects children. In this study, a delayed SEIR epidemic model with impulsive effect and ... -
(Machakos University, 2018-04)The most important factor in the management and control of an infectious disease is the understanding of the dynamics of the disease in any given population. We have proposed and analyzed a nonlinear mathematical model ... -
Performance of Imputation Methods towards Increasing Percentage of Missing Values
(Machakos University, 2018-04)The aim of this paper is to study the performance of eightdifferent existing imputation methodsused on simulatedand real dataset. The methods are compared in term of their ability to estimate the missing observationsand ... -
Effect of Fly Ash and Superplasticiser on the Hardening Properties of Self Compacting- Concrete
(Machakos University, 2018-04)The self-compacting concrete is a relatively innovative type of concrete that differs from the conventional vibrated concrete in that it contains a novel superplasticiser, Flay ash which contributes significantly to ... -
Innovation for Industrial Trasformations Drivers and Barriers in Yobe State Construction Industries Nigeria
(Machakos University, 2018-04)The universal demand for industrial transformation in effective project delivery process led to the implementation of an advance innovative technology. However, a number of issues are increasingly becoming relevant with ... -
Effect of Streamflow on Hydro-Power Generation in the Upper Tana River Basin, Kenya
(Machakos University, 2018-04)Hydro-power is one of the Kenya’s important energy sources. The main hydro-power project in Kenya is located in the Upper Tana River basin. There has been a fluctuation of power generation due to climate change over the ... -
Innovative Approaches for Climate Change Mitigation in Transportinstitutionsin Nigeria
(Machakos University, 2018-04)Accelerating the national and international innovative approaches for climate change mitigation is one of the key drivers for the achieving the objectives especially in developing countries like Nigeria where the policy ... -
Heat and Mass Transfer Past A Semi- Infinite Vertical Porous Plate in MHD Flows in Turbulent Boundary Layer
(Machakos University, 2018-04)This study addresses the problem of unsteady free convection incompressible MHD fluid flow past a semi-infinite vertical porous plate in the presence of a strong magnetic field inclined at an angle to the plate with Hall ... -
Waste Water Disinfection by Titanium Dioxide (Tio2) Solar Photocatalysis
(Machakos University, 2018-04)The task of achieving suitable wastewater disinfection without formation of dangerous disinfection by products by chemical disinfectants, as well as increasing need for a versatile wastewater disinfection and reuse systems ... -
Does Rhizobial Inoculation Functionality Vary With Host Plant Genotype? A Case Study of Common Bean Phaseolus Vulgaris l. Germplasms Grown by Smallholder Farmers In Eastern Kenya.
(Machakos University, 2018-04)Rhizobia inoculants are soil bacteria that promote biological nitrogen fixation (BNF). Understanding of rhizobia-host genotype association is a critical step in enhancing legume productivity. Questionnaires were used to ... -
Path Loss Propagation Model Predictionfor GSM Mobile Networks In Nigeria
(Machakos University, 2018-04)This research is aimed at predicting propagation path loss model which can be helpful in planning the best Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM) networks in Dutse town, Jigawa state Nigeria. The methodology employed ... -
A Review of Drivers of Technology Adoption in The Hospitality Industry in Kenya
(Machakos University, 2018-04)In July 2016, Kenya held a 14th Session of the United Nations Conference for Trade and Development (UNCTAD) to discuss the potential of emerging nations in unlocking their growth on the back of technology. UNCTAD estimates ... -
Entrepreneurship Education and Eco-Preneurship Innovation as Change Agents for Environmental Problems
(Machakos University, 2018-04)Ecopreneurship means carrying out activities that keep the environment clean as well as meeting the business objectives. Given the current environmental problems facing the world, it is flawless that past strategies used ... -
Advancing a Clean Cookstove Culture in Sub-Saharan Africa: The Transformative Power of Afrikan Innovation
(Machakos University, 2018-04)A transition to an energy‑efficient, clean and safe cookstove culture among the global energy‑poor can reduce mortality, poverty and positively impact the protection of biodiversity and the climate, as identified in the ... -
Secrets to Success in Informal Sector Financial Compliance: Utilizing New Technological Application for Improved Community Health Program Efficiency and Effectiveness
(Machakos University, 2018-04)Secrets to success in informal sector financial compliance: Utilizing new technological applications for improved community health program efficiency and effectiveness Financial compliance is an essential aspect of good ...