Empirical Assessment of Demographic Factors Influencing Organizational Commitment in Secondary Schools in Kenya
Organizational Commitment (OC) is increasingly becoming an important research concept in the
fields of organizational behavior and human resource management. It’s particularly relevant to
schools where attainment of organizational goals is highly dependent on teachers’ efforts. The
purpose of this paper was to explore the factors that motivate teachers’ commitment to their
institutions. The study specifically aimed at establishing whether there is a relationship between
teacher’s demographic characteristics (age, gender, academic qualifications, tenure and position
held) and School Commitment (SC). The study hypothesized that there is no significant relationship
between teachers’ personal characteristics and SC. The study adopted the descriptive research
design. The study was conducted in Nakuru County and targeted 1670 secondary school teachers
in in four sub-counties. A sample of 310 educators that was selected through stratified random
sampling participated in the research. The groups that formed the sample strata comprised of
school principals, deputies, heads of department, class teachers and subject teachers. Data was
collected using the Allen and Meyer (1990) Three Component Model Employee Commitment
Questionnaire. Relationship between variables was established by use of Spearman’s rho and
Linear Regression while the level of teacher commitment was established by use of descriptive
statistics including means, frequencies and percentages. A high level of SC among Kenyan
secondary school teachers was established. Age and the position held in the school was found to
be positively related to SC. Negative correlation was established between SC, andacademic
qualifications and tenure. There was no significant relationship between gender, and OC.
Although a relationship was noted between most demographic variables and SC, the correlations
were predominantly low leading to the conclusion that demographics was not a major factor in
predicting SC. Consequently, the study recommends that further research be done to explore the
other antecedents of SC such as conditions of service and school environment in order to explore
their link to teacher commitment.