Conferences / Workshops / Seminars: Recent submissions
Now showing items 241-260 of 288
Kiswahili na Maendeleo Mashambani Nchini Kenya
(Machakos University, 2018-04)Makala hii itatathmini umuhimu wa lugha (Kiswahili) katika kuchangia maendeleo nchini Kenya. Maendeleo yamejelezwa na wataalamu mbalimbali. Chambers (1997) ameeleza ‘maendeleo’ kwa usahili kabisa kuwa ni ‘mabadiliko ... -
Uimarishwaji Wa Umaizi Mseto Kupitia Mikakati Shirikishi Ya Ufundishaji Wa Kiswahili Nchini Kenya
(Machakos University, 2018-04)Upataji wa elimu na maarifa ni shughuli isiyo na kikomo katika maisha ya mwanadamu. Ili kuimarisha shughuli hii, lengo la nne la Maendeleo Endelevu linamhitaji kila mwanafunzi kutoachwa nyuma kwenye ujifunzaji na upataji ... -
Development of Emblems for Longevity for County Governments in Kenya
(Machakos University, 2018-04)The emergence of county governments in Kenya has seen the development of emblems for each county. These emblems exhibit the spirit of the counties, however they cannot be said to be successful because they are not well ... -
Translated Kiswahili Texts: A Case Study of Kithaka Wamberia’s Texts.
(Machakos University, 2018-04)Translation is a complex exercise that involves not only transfer of meaning of linguistic aspects of translated texts but more importantly their literary aspects. This means that as Omboga 2006:50 observes a translator ... -
Assessment and Relevance of English Communication Skills Syllabus to Diploma in Law Programme In Tanzania: Does it Bring Competency Based Education and Training as Expected?
(Machakos University, 2018)Appropriate and well-designed Curriculum is one of the variables that may contribute to sustainable development in any given society. The syllabus can reflect the type of end product of graduates that any education system ... -
An Investigation of English Writing Errors Encountered by Certificate in Law Students in Tanzanian Institutions: The Case of Institute of Judicial Administration Lushoto
(Machakos University, 2018-04)This study aims at exploring the English academic writing errors that encountered by a certificate in Law students in Tanzania. These problems arise because the students are not adequately familiar with the English ... -
Taswira ya Gereza Katika Riwaya ya Haini (Shafi Adam Shafi): Uhakiki wa Ki- Foucault
(Machakos University, 2018-04)IKISIRI Makala hii inakusudiwa kutalii jinsi gereza ilivyotumiwa kama msingi wa kuendeleza maudhui katika riwaya ya Haini ya Shafi Adam Shafi. Aidha, inapania kudhihirisha jinsi maudhui ya jamii ya kigereza yanavyobainika ... -
After Negative Ethnicity: The Future of Voting in Kenya
(Machakos University, 2018-04)More than any other demographic, the question of negative ethnicity has been a scourge on the African continent. In Kenya, the ethnicisation of politics has plagued the nation since it gained its independence from the ... -
Comparison of Descriptive English Compositions of Visually Impaired and Sighted Students in Kenyan Secondary Schools
(Machakos University, 2018-04)Language is common to visually impaired and sighted students because they both use language to communicate ideas, feelings, and emotions and above all to describe their worlds. Descriptive writing brings alive the object ... -
(Machakos University, 2018-04)This paper explores literature on one of the most rampant vices (academic dishonesty) that have existed in institutions of learning for many years. A number of studies have documented and demonstrated alarming cases of ... -
The Impact of Parent and Community Support on Primary Schools’ Pupils Academic Achievement in Siaya and Kisumu Counties, Kenya
(Machakos University, 2018-04)The performance of primary school pupils in the Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) examinations in Siaya and Kisumu Counties has been unsatisfactory over the years. Most of the candidates obtain at least average ... -
Influence of Teacher Training on Academic Achievement of Kiswahili Language in Public Secondary Schools in Kathonzweni Subcounty, Makueni County.
(Machakos University, 2018-04)The purpose of the study was to establish the influence of teacher training on students’ academic achievement in Kiswahili language. Though studies have been done on teacher training and academic achievement in other ... -
Effects of Hypermedia on Learning Achievement in Geography for Hearing Impaired Learners in Mixed Special Secondary Schools in Kenya
(Machakos University, 2018-04)The hearing impaired (HI) students often encounter communication problems in classroom. Yet some specific media can facilitate and enhance their learning. This study reports on the development of hypermedia educational ... -
Innovative Approaches to Higher Education and Training for Sustainable Quality and Standardization of University Education for Sustainable Development in Kenya
(Machakos University, 2018-04)Education is a key for better life and effective foundation for smooth operations of person’s lifetime. In the recent times university education is becoming irrelevant for hiring the individuals, in organizations and ... -
INFLUENCE OF TEACHERS’ INSTRUCTIONAL PRACTICES:Collaborative activities in teaching and learning of preschool children in Kiambu West Sub-County; Kenya
(Machakos University, 2018-04)Learning of preschool children has faced numerous challenges which have raised concerns among preschool education stakeholders. Preschool learners have registered and continued to register dismal grades in basic numeracy, ... -
An Evaluation of The Inauguration Speech Made by His Excellency The President of Kenya on 28th November, 2017.
(Machakos University, 2018-04)An inauguration speech in any political set up seeks to give an assertion of the round map on how to address issues that directly impact on the electorate. It should also be a timely moment to thank those who voted you ... -
Culture, Peace and Development: The Case Study of West Pokot County, Kenya
(Machakos University, 2018-04)Violent conflict has been experienced in West Pokot County for decades. This county is the home of pastoral communities whose livelihood entirely depended on a cow for centuries. As such, conflicts in this region rotated ... -
The Old Wine in the New Skin: Integrating Acholi Ritual Pots in Contemporary space
(Machakos University, 2018-04)The purpose of the study is to design and produce pots derived from indigenous Acholi ritual pots for contemporary space and their resultant effect in promoting sustainable development that is prosociety. Specifically ... -
(Machakos University, 2018-04)Creating body adornments rooted in the individual and specific cultures, and integrating them in contemporary designs that come with global fashion of attires and body adornments which are influenced by the Western ...