Conferences / Workshops / Seminars: Recent submissions
Now showing items 261-280 of 288
Indigenous Knowledge and Transformative Development: Using Proverbs and Taboos as Development Remindersin Africa
(Machakos University, 2018-04)The purpose of the paper is to explore how traditional African proverbs and taboos were used to instill hard work spirit among the community members resulting into transformational development and how the same can happen ... -
Advancing Afrikan Indigenous Sustainable Practices for Transformative Development: The Mau Ogiek People, Kenya
(Machakos University, 2018-04)Globally, one main concern of the minorities is the right to practice and preserve their culture unconstrained and protect their identity. The Mau Ogiek, are an ethnic minority, forest-dwelling hunters and gatherers who ... -
Students’ Knowledge of HIV/AIDS and Their Attitude Towards Sexual Behaviour in Coast Region, Kenya
(Machakos University, 2018-04)The HIV/AIDS and life skill education in Kenyan secondary schools was intended to reduce HIV/AIDS infection and stigmatisation of people living with HIV in the education sector. However, it is not known how implementation ... -
Examining the Role of Language, Culture and Communication Technology in Reconstructing Masculinity: A Reflection on Henry Ole Kulet’s To Become a Man
(Machakos University, 2018-04)This paper is an investigation on the role of language, culture and communication technology in reconstructing masculinity. The paper argues that there is an apparent disconnect between traditional and modern perspectives ... -
A Complexity of Kiswahili Pairwise of Verbal Extensions: Algorithmic Approach
(Machakos University, 2018-04)The paper describes semantics architecture of morph pairwise in Kiswahili verbal extensions. Kiswahili morphology is well documented, though semantic descriptions of these morphs are ignored and the theory for handling ... -
Right to food and sustainable livelihoods: use of pastoral cycle approach to respond to communities’ needs isiolo county, Kenya
(Machakos University, 2018-04)The constitution of Kenya provides that each and every person has a right to adequate and quality food. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 1, 2 and 6 focus on ending poverty and hunger, and availability of clean water ... -
Investing in Agricultural Leadership for Sustainable Food Security Planning in Kenya: Historical Insights from Josephonomics
(Machakos University, 2018-04)Food insecurity and its indignity is still a persistent challenge in Kenya more than 50 years after independence. This paper opines that despite the country’s status of water scarcity with only about 30% of land being ... -
Effect of Using Different Types of Irrigation Water on the Soil-To-Crop-Transfer Factor in Leafy Vegetables Grown Along Peri-Urban Areas of Kiambu County, Kenya
(Machakos University, 2018-04)The water used for irrigation has a significant effect on the way heavy elements accumulates in the soil as well as how plants grown on those soils uptake elements. Therefore, this study aimed at establishing the effect ... -
Factors Affecting Performance of Agricultural Value Chains: The Case of Small-Scale Coffee Marketing In Kangundo, Machakos County
(Machakos University, 2018-04)Coffee is Kenya's forth source of foreign exchange after tourism, tea and horticulture, and significantly contributes to farm income and employment. The different marketing systems in the producer and marketing cooperatives ... -
Screening Selected Maize Single Crosses for Tolerance to Low P in Acidic Soils of Bumala and Maseno
(Machakos University, 2018-04)Generally, 13% of Kenya’s arable land mass (7.5 million ha) is acidic and prone to poor phophorus (P) availability and soil acidity. This results in crop yield losses due to the direct adverse effects Aluminium toxicity ... -
Effect of Weeds in Yield Loss of Beans
(Machakos University, 2018-04)Weeds are unwanted plants growing in agricultural lands, gardens, road sides and mainly disturbed areas where they do not depend on human intervention for their reproduction and survival. Depending upon density, types, ... -
Climate Change and Maize Yield in Kenya: An Econometric Analysis
(Machakos University, 2018-04)The agricultural sector plays a critical role in the Kenyan economy in terms of employment and food security. However, the sector and particularly crop farming is vulnerable to climate change, given that rain fed agriculture ... -
Nigerian Plant Resources, an Incredible Generosity with an Incredible Responsibility
(Machakos University, 2018-04)Nigeria is a physically and climatically diverse country that has been endowed with substantial plant resources. The natural vegetation varies from rain forest to savanna with nine distinct ecological zones which permit ... -
Impact of Agricultural Output on Economic Growth in Nigeria and Ghana (1985-2014): A Comparative Analysis
(Machakos University, 2018-04)This paper examined comparatively the “impact of agricultural output on economic growth in Nigeria and Ghana”. Nigeria and Ghana have similar economies and the striking similarities are that both countries have agriculture ... -
Factors Affecting Maize Yield in Machakos County
(Machakos University, 2018-04)Maize is the main staple crop for many people in Kenya. It is a high yielding cereal grown almost in all parts of the country mainly under rain fed environmental conditions. However, despite the fact that maize is the ... -
Secondary School Agriculture Curriculum Reforms in Kenya 1959-2016: Challenges to Innovations
(Machakos University, 2018-04)Fifty seven of curriculum reforms targeting innovations to education through school agriculture remain unattainable to date. Observations indicate challenges to reforms rather progress as there exists a gap between the ... -
Innovation and Technology for Sustainable Cities
(Machakos University, 2018-04) -
The role of Universities in Harnessing Scientific Research, Innovation and Technology for Sustainable Development.
(Machakos University, 2018-04) -
Government Synergies for Harnessing Scientific Research, Innovation and Technology for sustainable development
(Machakos University, 2018-04) -
Proceedings of the 1st Annual International Conference on Harnessing Scientific Research, Innovation And Technology For Sustainable Development, Machakos University, 17th-19th April, 2018.
(Machakos University, 2018-04)It delights me to write the foreword to this Book of Conference Proceedings of the Machakos University 1st Annual International Conference that was held from 17th -19th April 2018 at the Machakos University Hotel. The ...