Conferences: Recent submissions
Now showing items 221-240 of 285
(Machakos University, 2018-04)HIV/AIDs (Human Immune Deficiency Virus/Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome) possess a great burden to mankind. 37 million people are HIV infected worldwide. 19 million people in Sub-Saharan Africa are infected. In Kenya, ... -
The Role of Language, Culture and Communication in Development
(Machakos University, 2018-04)The paper discusses the idea that culture starts at personal level and becomes a national culture and the idea that a new culture can develop from the mixing of people from different backgrounds.It explores the idea that ... -
Does Inovative Use of Social Media Training Enhance Business Growth? A Case of Subira Self Help Group, Nairobi
(Machakos University, 2018-04)The general purpose of this study was to investigate the role of innovative entrepreneurial training programs on business growth among Subira Self-help group Nairobi. The innovative training included use of smart mobile ... -
Family Business Succession Planning, Entrepreneurial Orientation and Firm Performance Among Small and Medium Enterprises
(Machakos University, 2018-04)Family-owned businesses continue to form the backbone of most of the national economies. However, because of the tenuous nature of the ownership structure of most family businesses only one in three family businesses ... -
Family Size and Boy-Child Drop Out Rate in Public Day Secondary Schools in Makueni County, Kenya
(Machakos University, 2018-04)School dropout for both boys and girls is an area of concern not only in Kenya but also in the whole world. The government of Kenya has placed certain measures to give basic education to its citizens by introducing Free ... -
Effect of Strategic Direction on The Performance of Technical Training Institutions in Meru County, Kenya
(Machakos University, 2018-12)Organizational performance is important in justifying its existence and resources allocation. To enhance performance, Strategic direction has been identified has useful in promoting organizational performance. For Technical ... -
Preparing Faculty for Utilization of Innovative Approaches in Digitalized Teaching and Learning Environments
(Machakos University, 2018-04)The emergence of new information and communication technologies that can be used to enhance teaching and learning environments provide both an opportunity to transform delivery of education and a challenge in its adoption. ... -
Higher Education Curriculum Orientation and Performance of Universities in Kenya: Industry Linkage Strategies
(Machakos University, 2018-04)Quality education and training can only be achieved by orienting the academic curriculum in such a way that its content reflects industry demands. It must also be continuously reviewed after every cycle to capture the ... -
Empirical Assessment of Demographic Factors Influencing Organizational Commitment in Secondary Schools in Kenya
(Machakos University, 2018-04)Organizational Commitment (OC) is increasingly becoming an important research concept in the fields of organizational behavior and human resource management. It’s particularly relevant to schools where attainment of ... -
Harnessing Educational Technology to Stimulate Critical Thinking among Secondary School Learners for Sustainable Development in Kenya
(Machakos University, 2018-04)Critical thinking (CT) isan essential life skill that education should seek to equip learners with in order to actualize the attainment of Kenya’s vision 2030 and the sustainable development goals (SDGS). Psychologists ... -
Impact of Supervision on the Management of Secondary School in Maiduguri Metropolitan Council Borno State
(Machakos University, 2018-04)This study was designed to evaluate the impact of supervision on the management of secodary schools in Maiduguri metropolitan council Borno State. The designed objectives were to determine the impact of supervision on ... -
The Need for ICT in Adult Education for Socio-Economic Development in Maiduguri, Borno State, Nigeria
(Machakos University, 2018-04)The thrust of the study was to examine the need of ICT in Adult Education for socio-economic development in Maiduguri, Borno state. In this light, the study adopted questionnaire method for data collection, simple frequency ... -
(Machakos University, 2018-04)Prof. Kombo holds a PhD in Sociology of Education, and currently the Acting Dean, School of Education, Kenyatta University. Some of the significant researches he has done include the Impact of Nairobi-Thika Super Highway ... -
An Inquiry into Youth Innovativeness in Radicalization and Extremism: The Case of the Recent Manchester City Bombing and Al-Shabaab Activity in Kenya
(Machakos University, 2018-04)The fulcrum of this paper is the May 22, 2017Manchester City bombing. The paper seeks to highlight how the youth can become indoctrinated into extremism. It inquires into why some people go through the terrorism ... -
Assessment of Ecowas Free Movement Protocol in Promoting Regional Growth and Development in West Africa
(Machakos University, 2018-04)This study will critically assess the Economic Community of West African State [ECOWAS] on its activities on regional integration, growth and development as a panacea to regional free movement of people and goods. ECOWAS ... -
Sustainable Design Approaches for Handicraft Community Development in Machakos County.
(Machakos University, 2018-04)This paper highlights the important role played by design in shaping the new African continent economically, socially and environmentally. This role is highly linked to the rich interaction between religion, art and ... -
(Machakos University, 2018-04)Communication technology exists to connect, inform, entertain and marketing. Developments in communication technology force people to think differently about how they disclose information.Atelephone call or a few clicks ... -
Kiswahili na Maendeleo Mashambani Nchini Kenya
(Machakos University, 2018-04)Makala hii itatathmini umuhimu wa lugha (Kiswahili) katika kuchangia maendeleo nchini Kenya. Maendeleo yamejelezwa na wataalamu mbalimbali. Chambers (1997) ameeleza ‘maendeleo’ kwa usahili kabisa kuwa ni ‘mabadiliko ... -
Uimarishwaji Wa Umaizi Mseto Kupitia Mikakati Shirikishi Ya Ufundishaji Wa Kiswahili Nchini Kenya
(Machakos University, 2018-04)Upataji wa elimu na maarifa ni shughuli isiyo na kikomo katika maisha ya mwanadamu. Ili kuimarisha shughuli hii, lengo la nne la Maendeleo Endelevu linamhitaji kila mwanafunzi kutoachwa nyuma kwenye ujifunzaji na upataji ... -
Development of Emblems for Longevity for County Governments in Kenya
(Machakos University, 2018-04)The emergence of county governments in Kenya has seen the development of emblems for each county. These emblems exhibit the spirit of the counties, however they cannot be said to be successful because they are not well ...