Browsing School of Agricultural Sciences by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 118
Acceptability of Whey-Fruit Juice Drink Mix Prepared with Cottage Cheese Whey
(East African Agricultural and Forestry Journal, 1992) -
Agro-Dealers and the Political Economy of Agricultural Biotechnology Policy in Kenya
(Future Agricultures Consortium, 2011)Public and private actors and their networks are committing substantial resources to support agro-dealers to deliver novel technologies and information in line with the New Green Revolution for Africa. The main point ... -
(AFRICAN SCHOLARLY SCIENCE COMMUNICATIONS TRUST (ASSCAT), 2002)The effects of two levels each of sodium metabisulfite and sodium benzoate on the shelf-life of canned lime juice stored at ambient temperature was based on ascorbic acid degradation as an index. Sodium metabisulfite ... -
Assessment of developing-country urban consumers’ willingness to pay for quality of leafy vegetables: The case of middle and high income consumers in Nairobi
(2010-09)The improvement in income in developing countries has led to emergence of middle and high income consumers in urban centers. Improvement in income usually causes the shift to consumption of non-staples including leafy ... -
Bacterial contamination of Kale (Brassica oleracea acephala) along the supply chain in Nairobi and its environment
(East Africa Medical Journal, 2011-02)To assess the microbiological safety of kale (Brassica oleracea acephala) produced from farms and those sold at the markets with special focus on coliforms, e.coli and salmonella. Design: A cross sectional study. setting: ... -
Beyond participation: Welfare effects of gender-differentiated group-based approaches under climate change in Kenya
(2018)A gender-differentiated data collection approach is an essential step toward understanding gendered perspectives in climate change research. Innovative institutions like group-based approaches provide opportunities to ... -
Bioactive fractions in the stem charcoal of Ozoroa insignis used by the pastoral communities in West Pokot to preserve milk
(2010-02-09)Objective: To determine the potential of Ozoroa insignis Del to preserve milk as practiced by the pastoralists of West Pokot, Kenya. Methodology and results:The aqueous and organic solvents extracts of the peeled stem ... -
Biochemical and Sensory Characteristics of the Smoked African Catfish (Clarias gariepinus) under Different Storage Conditions in the Coastal Region of Kenya
(Kenya Aquatica Journal, 2018)Smoking is one of the oldest methods of drying food for purposes of preservation and flavouring. However, technologies are changing fast resulting in various smoking techniques to improve fish quality and shelf life. ... -
Bridging gender gaps through innovations in agricultural value chains in Africa
(2018)This paper examines innovations for bridging gender gaps in agricultural value chains in Africa. It focuses on innovative platforms for addressing gender gaps, considering women contribute up to 40 percent of labor in ... -
Bridging gender gaps through innovations in agricultural value chains in Africa
(IAAE, 2018)This paper examines innovations for bridging gender gaps in agricultural value chains in Africa. It focuses on innovative platforms for addressing gender gaps, considering women contribute up to 40 percent ... -
Can Agro-Dealers Deliver the Green Revolution in Kenya?
(Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2010)The Government of Kenya, with the backing of development and charitable organisations, has been implementing programmes to increase agricultural productivity and rural incomes and trigger a new Green Revolution (GR). ... -
Challenges and Opportunities in Postharvest Horticulture Research and Training in Developing Countries – "The Case of Kenya”.
(2010)The Kenyan horticulture industry has grown to become a major employer, contributor to food needs and foreign exchange earner. Horticulture is the second largest earner of foreign exchange after remittances from Kenyan ... -
Characterization of Carbon Dioxide Stress-Induced Ethylene Biosynthesis in Cucumber {Cucumis sativus L.) Fruit
(JSPP, 1998)In the present study, we have investigated the mechanism through which carbon dioxide induces ethylene biosynthesis in cucumber {Cucumis sativus L.) fruit. A series of inhibitors were tested in order to determine the ... -
Choice of Fresh Vegetable Retail Outlets by Developing-Country Urban Consumers: The Case of Kale Consumers in Nairobi, Kenya
(2012)Fresh produce retailing in many developing-country urban centers is changing with the recent emergence and rapid growth of supermarkets and specialty stores. These retail outlets are competing with the traditional wet ... -
A Comparison Of Modified Atmosphere Packaging Under Ambient Conditions And Low Temperatures Storage On Quality Of Tomato Fruit
(Rural Outreach Program, 2003)Low temperature and modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) were evaluated for their effectiveness in extending the postharvest storage life of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) fruits. Fruits were harvested at the ... -
Consumers’ Willingness to Pay for Food Safety in Nairobi: The Case of Fresh Vegetables
(2011)Large urban areas in developing countries represent currently the most dynamically growing markets for food products. This study investigates the willingness to pay of consumers in Nairobi for safer leafy vegetables. We ... -
Coping Strategies Adopted by Public Universities in Kenya in Response to Environmental Changes
(© Sciedu Press, 2014)This study was undertaken to establish strategies adopted by public universities in Kenya in response to changes in the environment. The study design was descriptive and utilized a cross-sectional survey of all the public ... -
Determinants of Agricultural Technology Adoption: The Case of Improved Pigeonpea Varieties in Tanzania
(2011)If dryland legumes are to meet the expectations of reducing poverty and hunger in the semi-arid tropics, there will be need for a full understanding of their potential for diffusion and the barriers to adoption. We apply ... -
Determinants of Consumers’ Choice and Willingness to Pay for Biofortified Pearl Millet in Kenya
(Taylor & Francis, 2018)Globally, micronutrient deficiency is a major health concern as more than two billion people suffer from iron deficiency, 1.75 billion are at risk of low zinc intake, while 127 million pre-school children suffer from ...